When i first heard about the 9/11 i was sitting at home watching cartoons with my little brother thats when my mom came in there and told us to go look at the tv in the living room. I heard that the tourist ran directly into the towers killing alot of people and that the town was filled with smoke and stuff poluting the air. 20 years from now i think maybe some people will remember the 9/11 but not alot cause its only been 8 years and a whole lot of people have forgotten. I think the tourist was jealous of america be cause we have so much independence and we have alot of material things. And all types of food and things like that i think thats why they attacked us. If i had to write a story about the 9/11 it would be from the point of view of the people who saw it happen in person or some of the people in the building that did not get hurt or the loud noise that the crash made.
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